Course curriculum

    1. An introduction to PCS

    2. How PCS was born

    3. Benefits of the Organisational Performance Dashboard (OPD)

    4. The benefits of PCS

    5. Understanding the PCS report

    6. How to complete your PCS

    7. Why measurement is important

    1. Climate & Performance

    2. Leadership & Climate

    3. Individual motivation

    4. Stages of Team Development

    5. Conflict management

    6. Results take time to measure

    7. Consolidate your learning

    1. PCS Model Overview

    2. Understanding Segment 1

    3. Understanding Segment 2

    4. Understanding Segment 3

    5. Understanding Segment 4

    6. Understanding Segment 5

    7. Understanding Segment 6

    1. Understanding the PCS Report

    2. Understanding the PCS Report Section 1

    3. Understanding the PCS Report Section 2

    4. Understanding the PCS Report Section 3

    5. Facilitation and Feedback

    6. Consolidate your learning

    1. PCS & Customer Services

    2. PCS & Sales Performance

    3. PCS & Sporting teams

    4. PCS & Change Management

    1. How to sell PCS

    2. PCS as a tool for coaching

    3. PCS for recruitment

    4. Pricing and terms of business

About this course

  • £895.00
  • 37 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

PCS Customer Story: South West Growth Service

Find out how PCS helped South West Growth service measure their client’s team performance.

PCS is designed to help you to

  • Clearly understand which specific aspects of the team and leadership relationship and overall team climate are working and where there is room for improvement

  • Gather both quantitative and qualitative data on which to base your coaching intervention programme

  • Develop a balanced framework of improvement activity

  • Provide clients with tangible data that proves the effectiveness of your coaching or consultancy approach

  • Track and measure the success of team and leadership coaching and interventions over time

Evidence based interventions

Becoming an accredited PCS Practitioner will be of significant benefit to you and the clients you work with. As a coach or consultant, PCS allows you to objectively measure team and leadership performance across 6 key areas.